    02.15.18 | Universal Studios
    Universal Studios Costume Department New Hold Policy

    For everyone's benefit, Universal Studios Costume Department has implemented a new hold policy for the Warehouse!

    Anyone who was pulling in the warehouse at the end of last year knows how crowded and chaotic the center aisle became. We realized pulling here was frustrating at best, and potentially dangerous in an emergency. To alleviate the congestion, we have implemented a new hold system in the warehouse. New colored One Week Hold tags can be found in the front of the warehouse. Any hold with a colored tag will be held for only one week and then restocked. If you need to have your pull held longer, please ask staff for a Multi-Week Hold tag, which is on white card stock. Multi-Week holds are good for 3 weeks. If you need a longer hold, please speak to David Swope (Costume Supervisor).

    We also ask that after you have brought your write up to the Bullpen to be processed and you have stock left in the warehouse, please sort it by Men’s, Women’s and Kid’s and let staff know if you can’t restock it yourself.

    We hope that these new policies help to make pulling at Universal Studios Costume a pleasant experience.